We all experience pivotal moments in our lives—at times they can be smaller leaping points into growth and newness, and in other moments they can be shocks filled with emotional pain, agony, and deep grief. Whatever the turning point experience carries, it is an ending that leads to a new beginning, a threshold that invites us or pushes us to cross over.
These transitions can be filled with excitement and trepidation, joy and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the turbulence and chaos of these shifts, there’s an undeniable invitation to create new land for ourselves and begin to stretch into transformation.
I am humbled to have the opportunity to guide and help others as they navigate the complexities of life changes, whether subtle or extreme, and I deeply understand this process and journey. At the core of my work, I speak of “landing, restoring, rising, and becoming”—a powerful framework for moving with and through the shifting moments of our lives.
There is a rhythm and hum to this type of process for it gently guides us into the deepest place of “I AM”— from the identify of our finite self, “I”, to the depth of our infinite sense of being, “AM”—this is the path to Change and Becoming.
The Invitation to Change
Significant life transitions often carry an enormous amount of emotional pain and suffering, and can have a somatic story interweaving with it. This can become a complex web of disorientation and despondency. And when they involve trust ruptures and attachment bond fractures, this can further hijack us away from ourselves and life, having us land in a place of disconnection with the inability to recognize who we are, who is safe or trustworthy, and what our life is.
When these connections sever, we might feel lost, bewildered, fearful, or even in terror. We may cling and search for something to hold onto, anything to make us feel connected. We may grapple with letting go of what was, forcing us to land in a space of the abysmal unknown, desperate to make sense of what is happening with us and our life.
Even though this may be the existing reality we find ourselves in, within these excruciating upheavals lies a hidden offering – the opportunity to touch the edges of our suffering, move through it rather than avoid it, and perhaps release ourselves from the grips of the shackling old stories and wounds that hold us down.
This moment is one of metabolization and liberation. It offers an opening of internal spaciousness, and if we tune into that space, something might reveal itself to us. This meet point, a clear and tender moment with ourselves, is stillness. A deep quiet space ready for us to see, hold, and nurture our deep exquisite essence.
This quiet pause offers us to slow down and honor this precious pool within us. It is a reconnection point that is much needed in the aftermath of change. And, if we view it as a beginning, where a new story can ignite, we can then breathe life into it, coaxing it to light up more. From there, we can begin to fan the flames of our aliveness— one of truth and wholeness, and of expansion and emancipation. And imagine if you do this more than once, creating a ritual of sorts, how much more alive you might begin to feel.
The Power of Rituals
Creating rituals allows us to move forward in the chaotic moments of change, they can carry us forward into our newly reforming stories. During times of transition, they can offer immeasurable comfort and grounding. Rituals don’t have to be elaborate; they can be as simple as lighting a candle, a mindful walk into nature, or writing in a journal. It can also be a very powerful 4-cycle breath—where you honor yourself in a quiet moment, closing your eyes, and then inhale, pause, exhale, pause. Do that 4-cycle breath 3 times. It can be a gentle guiding stream of light back to you.
When we reconnect to ourselves, we create a sacred space for landing, restoring, rising, and becoming. This moment, and the act of ritual, can help us become more embodied and develop a stronger capacity to process our emotions, acknowledge our experiences, and set intentions for the path ahead. A deep call of transformation ensues, a phoenix rising rhythm takes place.
The Phoenix as a Metaphor
The myth of the phoenix, rising from the ashes reborn and renewed, reminds us that we, too, possess the capacity for profound transformation. Our challenges and suffering, when faced with courage and self-compassion, become the fuel for our growth and give breath to our expressive soul. There is a potent beauty in allowing parts of ourselves and our old stories to burn away into ashes, allowing them reform in newness, so that an empowered and more resilient version can emerge.
A Personal Invitation
Just as the phoenix uniquely finds its way to illuminate the path of transformation, you also hold the power to create your own rituals for rebirth.
- What small acts might symbolize your restoration and reformation?
- How can you honor the parts of you that are changing, and nurture the person you are becoming?
From my heart, I share this writing with you:
I am the phoenix rising from my ashes.
I am glorious and expansive, fierce and alive.
My wings extend to the un-end of the universe.
I take my space and refuse to push my expansiveness back down.
My gaze is clear and precise.
I come from the ashes and lift myself out,
empowered and transformed,
never to be taken down again.
Experience the power of connection with Trish in her:
- 8-day in-person immersive, experiential intensive
- 6-day virtual course process
- 12-week, Fridays, virtual course process (To Be Announced)
If you feel drawn to deeper exploration in your journey of transformation, you are invited to join one of the offerings from Trish’s programs.
Remember, even from goodbyes and endings, brilliant new beginnings can arise, especially in groups that gather. Connection with others, and being witnessed in these changing moments, and witnessing others doing the same, can be a place of profound healing. It can light your path home…toward the place of I AM. To the place of HERE I AM BECOMING.
We LAND together.
We RESTORE together.
We RISE together.
We BECOME together.